
Star Spotting: Lady Gaga Is Walking Without A Wheelchair! (PHOTO)

Lady Gaga walked to yoga class in NYC without her wheelchair!

Since Lady Gaga's serious hip surgery and the cancellation of her "Born This Way Ball" Tour, we haven't seen too much of our favorite fashion risk-taker (we didn't even get a proper Gaga sighting to wish her a happy 27th birthday -- SADZ). And just when we were starting to accept the fact that she's too busy recuperating in a 24-karat golden wheelchair to wow us with her latest meat dress, PUH-RAISE! THERE'S BEEN A GAGALOO SIGHTING, AND SHE'S WALKING AGAIN! We'd like to think the meat-filled Edible Arrangement we sent helped.

The "Lady Is A Tramp" singer was snapped sans wheelchair in New York City (IN HEELS, no less). And while the first thing we'd do once we were feeling better after surgery is go to the nearest ice cream shop and order as many scoops of whatever the eff we wanted, Gaga took a much healthier approach and hit up a Bikram Yoga studio (that's called "maintaining baller status"). But we're talking about the same woman who went back to work on her ARTPOP album the moment she felt well enough. Um, hasn't Lady Gaga ever heard of MILKING PEOPLE'S SYMPATHY FOR ALL IT'S WORTH? We're kidding, of course. Kinda.

Photo credit: Splash News

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