
Amanda Bynes Twitpics Titpic for Her Birthday

I don’t like wishing grown up people a happy birthday. It strikes me as kind of lame past school-age to be making a big deal over birthdays. I might be overly sensitive because of the current Facebook culture that demands you wish your 53 year old Uncle a Happy Birthday, lest you be labeled an insensitive dick. Or, maybe, I’m just an angry bastard Grinch who hates happy occasions. Either way, if I’m going to wish you a happy birthday, at least post a pic of your big fake boobs on Twitter to remind me to do so. Does it really take loony-as-fuck Amanda Bynes to school us on proper etiquette?

Here’s a cheaply done tribute to Amanda Bynes on her birthday.

Photo Credit: INF, Wenn, Bauer-Griffin

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