
Justin Bieber Films Anti-Text and Drive PSA - Gather Celebs News Channel

Justin Bieber was spotted outside of Atlanta, Georgia on Monday, filming a public service announcement warning teens and others about the horrible dangers of texting while driving.

According to a report from Celebrity-Gossip.net, Justin was actually in Avondale Estates, Georgia--not far from Atlanta, and he was putting his celebrity status to very good use. Hopefully those who see his latest PSA will give some serious thought before texting while driving.

Texting While Driving is a web site that defines the perils of sending text messages while operating a motor vehicle. Their studies concluded that people who text while driving often turn their eyes away from the road for five seconds--and that is plenty long enough to cause a fatal car accident. Add to that the fact that the driver's mind is concentrating far more on the text than on his or her driving, and reaction time is slowed considerably more.

Hopefully Justin Bieber can convince teens that texting while driving is truly a matter of taking their lives--and those of others--into their own hands in a very reckless way. The subject is all over the news. Drivers education programs stress the importance of eliminating all driving distractions--including text messaging--but teens, and adults as well, still do it every single day. Perhaps fans of the Biebs will give it a bit more thought if someone of his celebrity status urges them not to text and drive.

While filming the PSA, Justin Bieber mingled with fans and even posed for pictures with them. Even though many of these fans are way too young to be licensed drivers, perhaps they will take Justin's message home and share it with their parents, older siblings and caregivers.

What do you think? Are teens more likely to listen to someone like Justin Bieber telling them not to text and driver than their driving instructors or their parents? Do you think his PSA can really make a difference?

At the very least, one must give Justin Bieber credit for making this public service announcement. He doesn't need to donate his time in this way, and hopefully by doing so at least one life may be saved from this dangerous distraction that takes place in epidemic proportions on U.S. streets and highways.

Photo Source: Facebook

Justin Bieber

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