
Ted Haggard, Gary Busey to Trade Wives on Celebrity Wife Swap - International Business Times

Ted Haggard's marriage survived revelations that the evangelical pastor has engaged in gay sex and used crystal meth, so trading wives with Gary Busey for the show "Celebrity Wife Swap" shouldn't be too much of a strain.

Producers of "Celebrity Wife Swap" confirmed to the Colorado Springs Gazette that Haggard, pastor of the nondenominational St. James church in Colorado Springs, will be trading partners with Gary Busey, an actor and born-again Christian. Busey is not married but has a child with longtime girlfriend Steffanie Sampson.

Haggard regularly denounced homosexuality from his pulpits as senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo. and  president of the National Association of Evangelicals. He was forced to resign both positions in 2006 after being exposed for having sex and taking meth with a male masseuse in Denver.

"I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual," Haggard told GQ after the scandal broke.

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Still, Haggard has remained married to his wife Gayle, with whom he has five children. It was not clear whether Sampson would participate in the show.

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