
Ten Things We Learned from Bieber’s WWD Interview (Hint: He Wants to be a Designer)

*Photo: WWD

OK, we’ll admit that we don’t actually know all that much about Justin Bieber, so we have a long way to go. Luckily WWD got a great interview with the Biebs during his appearance at the Dolce & Gabbana store on Fashion’s Night Out last night. (Lucky them. We waited in a throng of screeching, sobbing, pushing tweens, many of whom had much nicer handbags than us–only to be denied a Biebs sighting. Anyway.)

Here’s what we learned about his personal life, his design ambitions (of course he wants to design), and his matrimonial desires:

1) He likes to eat Swedish Fish in the green room. (This is our favorite candy, too!)

2) He thinks music is more powerful than fashion.

3) He wants to start a clothing or shoe line, but has nothing in the works right now.

4) He aspires to be like Kanye West or Usher style-wise. (Do we smell a collab??)

5) Usher introduced him to the pleasures of Fendi and Louis Vuitton accessories.

6) He does not think he’s more influential than Barack Obama or the Dalai Lama (as determined by online influence-o-meter, Klout.)

7) He is a “normal 17-year-old” because he plays a lot of sports.

8) He didn’t have a lot of money growing up, which is why most of his ventures have a charitable component. (Ten percent of the profits from FNO sales of Dolce & Gabbana’s Passion Duo lipstick went towards Pencils of Promise, his pet charity.)

9) Selena Gomez is a) amazing and b) his girlfriend.

10) On marriage: “Well, by 25 or 26, I want to see myself, like, married or start looking for a family. I want to be a young dad. I want to be able to have done what I wanted to do — to be successful, to do a movie or whatever. But if the time is right, I definitely want to be married by 25. One thing — I’m not looking to get married now.”

The hearts of many a hopeful 14-year-old are breaking right now.

View the original article here

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