
Daily Mail fail: Samantha Cameron and Gwyneth Paltrow Photoshopped together - Asylum.co.uk

daily mail grabTake a good look at this article from the celebrity gossip section of the Daily Mail website. What do you see?

Why, it's Prime Minister David Cameron's wife Samantha posing with Hollywood A-lister Gwyneth Paltrow of course!

There they are together, 'stealing the spotlight' at a Vogue fashion event, 'taking the reins' in their 'simple' outfits.

How nice! For us, it really injects old Sam Cam -- hell, the Prime Minister and his entire Conservative party for that matter -- with an impressive dose of glamour. After all, Gwyneth is an uber-celeb of impeccable standing. She's mates with Beyonce for heaven's sake.

Yup. There they are together. Gwyneth, 'shining in her classic black jumpsuit and small brown satchel', and the Prime Minister's wife, resplendent in a 'green shirt dress accessorised with a brown belt and matching shoes'.
Except... wait a minute... what's this?!

daily mail grab

Scroll down a little, and beneath the picture of Sam Cam and Paltrow hanging out is Gwyneth again, looking, well... kind of similar...

Could it be that the Shakespeare In Love star has suffered the onset of some kind of living rigamortis, her beautiful visage locked forever in the same polite grin?

Or could it be that somewhere, some crafty Photoshopping has been going on?

We're no experts on showbiz gossip or editing photographs here at Asylum, but we did put the case to AOL's Picture Editor Andrew Webb, who duly investigated the matter for us.

Sure enough, he concluded it was a cut and paste job.

"It's quite a piece of work," he admitted

"But you can spot the mistakes, look at the way the pavement kinks, and of course the rather school boy error of including one of the original pictures in the article."

So it appears what the Daily Mail did was take the two photos below...

And just, well, stuck them together.

Now we know, we know. The world of celebrity gossip is a glossy mirage anyway. Who cares if two famous people who were probably at the same event at the same time and might have spoken to each other are plonked together for the convenience of a journalist?

Well, the Press Complaints Commisssion might if their guidelines are anything to go by:

i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including pictures.

Oh -- and the chairman of PCC's Editors' Code of Practice Committee? That'll be Paul Dacre, the editor of the Daily Mail.

Which might explain why the Mail have taken this down... but not before we captured it here for your delectation, of course...

View the original article here

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