
Paramedic Says Conrad Murray's Story Didn't Add Up

Jacksons Show Up To Trial

A paramedic took the stand today, on day 4 of the Conrad Murray trial for the death of Michael Jackson, and said that the doctor's story "didn't add up."

Richard Senneff was the paramedic who showed up at the scene, and he said that he knew right away that things didn't seem normal.

Senneff testified that, when he asked Murray what Jackson's underlying heath issue was, Murray failed to respond the first two times he asked, and eventually responded that there was no underlying issue.

As expected, Senneff also testified that, when he asked Murray what medications Jackson had been taking, he he didn't mention Propofol, which was found to contribute to the singer's death. Eventually, Murray told Senneff that he'd been treating Jackson for dehydration and exhaustion.

Senneff also noted that, when he asked when Jackson went down, Murray told him that it had occurred just as he had placed the 911 call — which gave Senneff the impression that "we had a good chance of saving" Jackson. However, when paramedics hooked up an EKG, he was flatlining, and the drugs paramedics gave Jackson in order to re-start his heart had no effect.

Yeah, something does seem a little fishy!

There just wasn't any sign of life when the paramedics showed up, Senneff said, and Michael was cool to the touch when they moved him. Not only that, but they couldn't find a vein for the start-up drugs — which is a sign he had been gone for much longer than the doctor claimed.

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[Image via WENN.]

Tags: conrad murray, death, drugs, michael jackson, press, singer, trial

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