
Prepare Your Jeans: It's The Return Of Jenna Rose!

In life, we have to choose sides. Good or Evil? Red Sox or Yankees? Team Jacob or Team Edward?

But if you are under the age of 14, there is a new war waging and you need to swear your allegiance one way or the other:

Rebecca Black … or Jenna Rose!

Hollywood seems to have already made their choice, having their girl Friday star in huge music videos and host red carpet events. But that doesn't mean the paramount that is Jenna Rose has given up. She's ready to fight dirty to make it to the top. Real dirty.

Case in point, here is her new music video and single, Time Of Our Lives. (above) We'd like to remind all of you at home that this CHILD is 13-years-old. Keep that in mind as you watch her get into a bitch slapping fight, hang out on a street corner and steal moves from Scores.

HA, HA, HA, HA - JACK MY SWAG! Get it?

Also, if you make it past the 30 second mark, could you please tell us what happens? We just couldn't do it. Our eyes … JUST NO!

Tags: jenna rose, music video, new music, rebecca black, single

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