
Teen Mom Gets Off Easy In Assault Case!


She's off the hook - at least until she effs up again!

Jenelle Evans of Teen Mom, who was charged with affray after beating down a chick in March, was sentenced today to 30 days suspended jail time and 12 months of probation, on top of a $100 fine, required anger management courses, and 24 hours of community service!

According to her attorney:

"It came out that it wasn’t Janelle being the aggressor and Ms. Truett as the victim. It was presented as a bad decision on everybody’s part and I don’t think there was a single victim in the case.”


We just hope she can keep herself out of trouble during her probation!

We've all seen how good she's been at doing that in the past!

Learn your lesson, gurl!

Tags: affray, anger management, charges, community service, fine, jenelle evans, probation, sentence, suspended jail time, teen mom

View the original article here

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